
Salboy is bringing forward proposals for a small residential development on the edge of Worsley and would like to hear your views.

Below, you’ll find more information on the site, our plans, the consultation process, and our next steps.

Introducing Salboy

Salboy is an award-winning Salford-based property company, focused on developing and funding high-quality housing throughout Greater Manchester. In total, we currently have over 1,200 residential units under construction and over 2,000 in design.

The Site

The proposed site is approximately 2.12 hectares and is accessed from the north off Leigh Road (A572).

It is comprised of two parts – to the north is the Alderwood bungalow site situated on Leigh Road and to the south is the Booths Bank Farm site which consists of a number of disused farm buildings. The farm buildings are comprised of corrugated sheet panels, timber and brick and are heavily overgrown. Shaw Brook runs west to east through the site via an existing concrete culvert.

To the west of the site is a housing development on Falconwood Chase and to the east is Alder Wood and the RHS Bridgewater beyond this.

This site is identified in Places for Everyone (PfE), the joint Development Plan Document spanning Greater Manchester authorities, as a suitable location to deliver much needed new homes. The proposed development directly responds to the clear need identified in PfE for housing that will attract highly skilled workers within the region.

Site location (courtesy of Google Maps)

Existing site photos

Overview of the Proposals

Design Approach

Our plans look to deliver 27 high-quality family homes in a mix of semi-detached and larger detached houses. Each house will be set on a large plot, offering spacious front and rear gardens. All of the properties will also be provided with a minimum of two car parking spaces.

A single palette of high-quality materials is proposed across all house types in order to create a cohesive scheme. The proposed materials make reference to the buff/stone houses and details in the surrounding areas.

The adjacent diagram indicates the location and proposed massing of each of the house types.

The central route through the site would connect Leigh Road with Alder Forest via the proposed woodland play trail and wetlands.

Images showing the proposed materiality

Different housing types included in the proposals

CGIs of the proposed development

Landscape Proposals

The proposal aims to create a modern, eco-friendly community that thoughtfully incorporates and enhances the existing natural landscape.

Some of the key elements of our landscape proposal include:

  • A forest play area and wetland features, with the removal of the existing on-site culvert.

  • Retention of Alder Wood and other mature woodlands, as well as protected trees to preserve the area’s natural beauty.

  • Enhancement of the ecological value of Shaw Brook, transforming it into a central landscape feature that runs through the site.

  • Celebrate the existing woodland through the creation of routes to connect the key play spaces within our site and those of the adjacent Peel development.

Precedent images illustrating the landscape proposals

Landscape masterplan

Tree strategy

The site features a substantial number of Category B and Category C trees, with no Category A trees present. The Category B trees, which are of moderate quality, are primarily located along the western and eastern boundaries of the site, lining the banks of the brook. These trees contribute significantly to the site's natural landscape and ecological value.

The proposed scheme aims to preserve the majority of these Category B trees, recognising their importance in maintaining the site's character and environmental integrity. However, some trees have been identified for removal, predominantly those classified as Category C. These are lower-quality trees with less impact on the overall landscape, as illustrated in the adjacent diagram.

The careful selection of trees for removal reflects a commitment to balancing development needs with the conservation of the site's natural assets. The trees marked for removal will be replaced by new native trees and hedgerows, as shown on the diagram adjacent.

Planting and biodiversity opportunities

Mixed woodland edge planting with bat and bird boxes 

Mixed hedge planting 

Wetland and marginal habitat creation 


The proposal includes parking provision with at least two spaces per property, conveniently located off-street on the driveways of each house. This ensures residents have easy access to their vehicles while keeping the key access route through the site clear of parked cars.

In line with the commitment to sustainability, all properties will also have access to EV chargers, allowing residents to conveniently charge their electric vehicles at home. Additionally, secure cycle storage will be provided, encouraging the use of eco-friendly transportation options and supporting an active, healthy lifestyle. These features reflect a thoughtful approach to modern living, balancing convenience with environmental responsibility.

Have Your Say

The public consultation on our proposals closed on Sunday 1 September 2024. The feedback received during the consultation will be carefully considered by the team before we prepare to submit a planning application.